WHEREAS the Borough of Chesilhurst (Borough) is a municipal entity organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey and located in Camden County;
WHEREAS there are two existing Stop Signs on Washington Avenue, at the intersection of Fourth Avenue and Washington Avenue;
WHEREAS the Chief of Police of the Borough Police Department has recommended that the intersection of Fourth Avenue and Washington Avenue be regulated by Stop Signs on all comers; and
WHEREAS the Mayor and Council have determined that the installation of Stop Signs on all comers of the intersection of Fourth Avenue and Washington Avenue will promote the public health and safety of motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians traveling along Fourth Avenue, Washington Avenue, and at the intersection of Fourth Avenue and Washington Avenue.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the Borough of Chesilhurst, State of New Jersey, that:
- The intersection of Fourth Avenue and Washington Avenue shall be designated as an All-Way stop area;
- Fourth Avenue shall be designated a stop street at its intersection with Washington Avenue;
- Two (2) Stop Signs shall be installed on Fourth Avenue at its intersection with Washington Avenue;
- The Borough Engineer and the Borough Department of Public Works are authorized to take any and all necessary measures to install the aforementioned Stop Signs as soon as practical.
Any Borough ordinance or sections of ordinances that are deemed inconsistent with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of any such inconsistencies.
This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon final passage, approval, and publication, as provided by law.
Gloria Rose, Borough Clerk Hon. Jamila A. Odom-Garnett, MAYOR
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the foregoing ordinance was introduced and passed on first reading a regular meeting of the Borough Council of the Borough of Chesilhurst, 201 Grant Avenue, Chesilhurst, in the County of Camden, State of New Jersey, held on the 4th day of June 2020 and will be considered for second reading and final passage at the regular meeting of said Governing Body to be held on the 2nd day of July 2020, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as this matter can be reached, at the meeting room of the Borough Hall. All persons interested shall be given an opportunity to be heard concerning this ordinance.
Prior to second reading, a copy of this Ordinance shall be posted in the Borough Hall and copies shall be made available at the Borough Clerk’s office at Borough Hall to members of the general public who may request such copies.
Gloria D. Rose Borough Clerk
Dated: June 8, 2020
First Reading: June 4, 2020, Second Reading: July 2, 2020
Attest: Borough Clerk