2021 RFQ -Notice of Solicitation of Qualifications for Professional Services

NOTICE is hereby given that sealed qualifications for professional services for 2021, not subject to bidding pursuant to NJSA 40A:11-5, will be received by the Clerk of the Borough of Chesilhurst All qualification statements should be submitted to the Clerk at the Municipal Building, 201 Grant Avenue, Chesilhurst, New Jersey, 08089, on or before December 14, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. in sealed envelopes addressed to the Clerk and identifying the person/entity submitting the proposal. All such submissions will be opened by the Clerk on December 17, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. and recorded.

Qualification statements, in the format of a resume’, for the following professional services will be accepted:

Municipal Attorney
Municipal Auditor
Municipal Engineer
Municipal Prosecutor
Municipal Public Defender
Combined Planning/Zoning Board Attorney
Combined Planning/Zoning Board Engineer
Rent Control Board Solicitor
Bond Counsel
Redevelopment Attorney
Risk Management Consultant
Tax Foreclosure Attorney/Special

Each submission shall include the following information:

  1. If the Applicant is a professional requiring licensure in the State of New Jersey, said Applicant shall be licensed for a period of not less than five (5) years;
  2. The Applicant shall submit an affidavit or a “Certificate of Good Standing” evidencing that the professional license is not presently suspended or revoked;
  3. All Applicants shall submit a resume’ which shall set forth the following minimum information (as applicable to a business entity or individual professional):
    • Full name and business address;
    • A listing of all post-high school education of Applicant
    • Dates of professional licensure in the State of New Jersey;
    • A listing of any professional affiliations or memberships in any professional societies or organizations;
    • The number of licensed professionals employed by or affiliated with the business entity which employs the Applicant;
    • A listing of all special accreditations held by the individual licensed Professional or business entity;
    • A listing of all previous public entity served by the business entity or licensed professional including positions held.
    • Amount and duration of the contract
    • If providing hourly rates, an amount not to exceed must be included in the submission
    • C.271 Political Contribution Disclosure form required pursuant to N.J.S.A.19:44A-20.26

The Borough appointing authority shall thereafter publicly select the professional or business entity for the applicable position so advertised which shall thereafter be confirmed or approved as required by law or Ordinance.


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